International Hamburger Day 2028

Wednesday 28th May 2025
In case any of us needed an excuse to eat a burger, Australia's best burger joints are celebrating National Hamburger Day on 28 May with a flurry of deliciousness.
Let's face it, there isn't anything in the world quite so delightful as your first bite of a rich, juicy hamburger. Don't believe us? One of the first popular vegan-faux-meats? The Veggie Burger. Even vegetarians couldn't resist the taste of a tasty burger, they had to create an alternative just so they wouldn't have to leave all that was good and right about the world in the past. Hamburger Day celebrates the history of this most irresistible of sandwiches.
History of Hamburger Day
The invention of the hamburger has been claimed by so many that there's only one real origin. Hamburg, Germany. No matter who says they invented the hamburger, no one can deny that it was the second-largest city in Germany that was its namesake. While not all types of 'burgers' resemble the meat that came out of Hamburg, they all have the roots of their preparation in this noble city.
Hamburgers have come to be a symbol of all that is right in the world in the modern day. Barbecue's where families gather, surprise rewards by your boss, a quick bite to eat on your lunch break or the first date shared with a new potential partner. All of these things can, and often do, include the hamburger in any one of a million of its potential preparations.
Burgers no longer are made from just beef either, these days you can find Turkey Burgers, Buffalo Burgers, Chicken Burgers, Emu Burgers, any of a million forms of meat all ground down and compacted into this most recognizable form, the 'hamburger'. Who would have thought that such a simple meal could come to represent so many things?
How To Celebrate Hamburger Day
Ok, celebrating Hamburger Day is easy peasy. Find yourself financially enriched? Head on out to Red Robin and get some of the best burgers you'll ever put in your mouth. Grab a tower of Onion Rings while you're at it. No Red Robin?
The best burgers are usually found at Ma and Pop shops, those little one-off burger stands that can be found around most small towns, it just so happens they have the best fries and milkshakes as well! Of course, if you're daring and handy with a grill, we suggest making up your own blend of hamburger spices and having a good old fashioned cookout!
❊ When ❊
Date: Wednesday 28th May 2025
❊ Web Links ❊
→ International Hamburger Day 2028→ Disclaimer: Details can change at any time. Always check with the advertiser before making plans, buying tickets or proceeding .. more
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